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映画『Cloud クラウド』

菅田将暉主演映画『Cloud クラウド』のメインキャスト発表&コメント到着

主演:菅田将暉×監督・脚本:黒沢清の初タッグでおくる『Cloud クラウド』(9月公開)のメインキャストが発表。黒沢組への参加は今回が初めてとなる、古川琴音、奥平大兼、岡山天音、荒川良々、窪田正孝の5人の出演が明らかになり、各俳優が演じるキャラクター写真が解禁され、コメントが到着した。

Netflixシリーズ「忍びの家 House of Ninjas」

[Interview] Bambi Naka, whose eyebrowless Ninja visuals have a big im...

Since its release on Thursday, February 15, "House of Ninjas" has been ranked No. 1 in Netflix's weekly global top 10. In this completely original story about the last Shinobi (or Ninja) family living in the present day, Bambi Naka plays a strange Kunoichi (a Japanese cant term for “female Ninja”) who grabs the viewer's eye and doesn’t let go. We asked him about her appearance in this work, which is also attractive for her beautiful movements unique to dancers, and her efforts to do so.